Monday, December 31, 2007

Cracked 700.00

Finally made it through the 600.00 barrier and onto 700.00. I had an interesting week. I felt like I was slumping or maybe just bored at the cash games so I decided to try some tournaments. There are turbo SNG's on Cake that are 6 person tournaments with escalated blind structures. They are insane, but I am good at them. Top 2 pay out so you have to be there at the end to get any money at all, but they are really soft I think. One thing to note, is that on my graph above, the entries are not necessarily in chronological order, so the sudden sharp spike upwards isn't indicative of how I have been running, but rather how I entered it on my spreadsheet.

I also had an astonishing session this week; I had a full 4 table session where I didn't get sucked out on at all. It was insane, I got my money in good, and it just held up every time. No nasty 3 outers to dominated hands, no flush draws got there versus sets, my overpairs held up when I decided to get my money in with them. It was glorious. Then next session it was back to business as usual.

Here are some interesting/horrible hands:

Joe's notes on this guy: "lagtard". Funny, I was thinking the EXACT same thing after watching him for about 30 min. Then I noticed that I had notes on him at all, looked, and confirmed what I was thinking ahah. He was running very hot, and I ran into him for half of my stack on a previous hand.
So on this one, I decided to take a flop with him, because I knew he would go busto if he hit almost anything and I had began to see quite a few flops with him. YAHTZEE on the flop, but then it was downhill as I realized I might actually be beaten..

This hand was hilarious, not because of the action, but because of the stack sizes. I pick up KQo and bring it in for .70, with one short stack caller. After his call on the flop, he has 5.10 left. We check-check the whiffed flop, but when I hit the K on the turn, I lead out for the full pot. He raises to 5.00 straight, and I just ship it. He has .10 left in his stack, and decides to...

This sucked, but is nothing exciting. I am not going to fold here very often, if ever.

But this makes one feel MUCH better! This fucking retard called 1.00 preflop with 10 5, flopped a boat, did really well to get a bunch of my money before I caught up with my 2 outer, and then bitched in the chatbox that his 10 5 didn't "hold up". Boo fucking hoo.

So overall, I am hoping to continue the trend here and keep moving up, but I am very aware of slipping back down..


royalbacon said...


Sad I won't be joining you in vegas…

Marshall said...

Ya man I wish you could come down too :(

Oh, and one other thing: Rakeback should be coming in tomorrow or early next week, so that will be a nice kick to the ol' roll too. I am a little scared to see how much I lost on rake though... after all of the yo-yoing I did this past while.

jason said...

Marsh, nice work dude.

I just love your posts and how fondly you refer to your opponents. Comments like this f** cking retard are just classic. I don't think fondly of my opponent's either and will work on some more degenerate language to refer to them.

You may want to take a few more shots at the .25/.50. I know the Ferguson rules do not permit a full buyin but you could do some damage at these stakes with a $35.00 buyin. See my post for some analysis of the competition. These players came out on Sunday which tends to attract the weakest crowd.

As for the rake, I am so looking forward to rake back payday. I have been playing on Full Tilt for a couple years and while I love the software, the lack of rakeback is a real bummer. Just depends on your perspective but to me the rakeback is a huge benefit and an exciting payday.

Marshall said...

Ya Jase, the rakeback is huge. Especially since we are getting such a hugh chunk back. You can get set up on FTP with a marginal rakeback also, but here its just much much bigger. Looking forward to that as well, as it could help me continue my upward momentum.